How To List A Double Major On A Resume?

A double major means studying two things together and getting one degree. It is like simultaneously learning about Economics and Finance or Biology and English Literature. Putting this on your resume is essential for job hunting. It can make your resume look impressive when applying for jobs.

A straightforward way to showcase this academic accomplishment can boost your professional profile. A double major can make you unique. Here is one question arises how to list a double major on a resume? This article will discuss how to share a Double Major on your resume. We have got tips, templates, and examples to help you out.

When listing a double major, emphasize the majors prominently, using clear formatting to distinguish between them. Highlight relevant coursework, skills, and achievements derived from each major. Tailor your resume to reflect how the combination of these majors enhances your qualifications for the job you are applying for, demonstrating the added value you bring.

Should You Include A Double Major On Your Resume?

Including a double major on your resume is a wise decision. Employers appreciate candidates who bring a diverse range of skills to the table. A double major demonstrates your commitment to learning and ability to navigate various subjects. It conveys that you possess a broad skill set, making you a more appealing candidate for multiple roles.

Incorporating your double major into your resume is a strategic move to underline your adaptability and dedication. It enhances your profile, making you stand out among other applicants in the competitive job market.

Why Include A Double Major On Your Resume?

Adding a double major to your resume is a smart move. It shows you have studied and gained expertise in two different subjects. This can impress employers because it demonstrates a broader skill set and dedication to learning. It sets you apart from others and can make your resume stand out, increasing your chances of landing a good job.

How to Write a Double Major

Crafting your resume with a double major is about showing you are good at two different subjects. Start by listing your majors in the education section. Tell me what degrees you got and the majors you studied. Make it easy for bosses to read.

Then, talk about any critical classes or things you did for each major. This shows you know a lot about both subjects. You can also mention your grades or any special awards. Make sure it looks nice and clear on your resume. Your double major is unique, so make it easy to notice.

How to List A Double Major On A Resume

Education– University name
– Your degree (like Bachelor of Science)
– Both majors and degrees
– When you graduated
Relevant Courses– Courses related to each major
– Any special achievements
Honors/Awards– Awards linked to your majors
– A good GPA if you have one

Keep it organized and use bullet points to make each detail clear and easy to read on your resume

Tips for Including A Double Major On A Resume

Here are some quick tips for including a double major on your resume:

  1. Section Placement: Put it under your education details.
  2. Clear Information: Name the university and your degrees.
  3. Specific Courses: Highlight important classes for each major.
  4. Notable Achievements: Mention any honours or noteworthy accomplishments.
  5. Neat Presentation: Make sure it looks organized and easy to read.
  6. Relevance Matters: Focus on majors related to the job.
  7. Impressive Details: If you have a good GPA, it is worth mentioning.

These tips will help you present your double major effectively on your resume.

Example Double Major Inclusions

Here are some simple examples of how you might show a double major on a resume:

Education Section:

University Name

Bachelor of Arts in History and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Graduated: Month, Year


History: Studied American History, European History

Computer Science: Courses in Programming, Data Structures


History Department Award for Academic Excellence

Computer Science Club President, Year

Tailor these examples to your actual majors, courses, and any specific achievements to make your double major stand out on your resume

Double Major Do’s and Don’ts


  • Show Relevance: Highlight how both majors connect or relate to your desired job.
  • Highlight Achievements: Include any awards or projects related to each major.
  • List Relevant Courses: Mention classes matching each major’s job needs.
  • Organize Clearly: Present your double primary info neatly under education.
  • Emphasize Skills: Explain how both majors gave you valuable skills for the job.


  • Don’t Overcrowd: Keep it short, and don’t add too much detail for each major.
  • Avoid Irrelevance: Don’t include things that don’t relate to the job you are applying for.
  • Be Honest: Don’t exaggerate your achievements or skills.
  • Watch Formatting: Keep your resume clean and easy to read.
  • Include Key Info: Remember graduation dates, university names, and degrees for both majors.

Following these tips, you can effectively present your double major on your resume without overwhelming it.

Where to List Your Double Major

When you make a resume, you put your double major in the education part. It comes after your work experience or skills. In this section, write the name of your college and the degrees you got. Then, say both of your majors and when you finished studying. This helps bosses see what you achieved in your studies.

Putting your double major in the education part makes it easy for bosses to see it quickly. Make sure it is clear and in good order. This way, it stands out and shows you studied two different things.

Detail Your Double Major in the Education Section

In the education part of your resume, mention your university’s name and the degrees you earned, for example, Bachelor of Arts in English and Bachelor of Science in Economics. Also, write down when you finished studying.

After that, make it clear that you studied two things. You can mention the courses you took for each major or any special projects related to them. This shows what you learned in each field.

Lastly, if you got any awards or honours while studying for both majors, it is good to add them. This highlights your successes in each area of study.

By putting these details in the education section, you show clearly that you studied two different things and did well in both.

Double Major Templates


University Name

Bachelor of [Type of Degree] in [First Major] and Bachelor of [Type of Degree] in [Second Major]

Graduated: [Month, Year]

Relevant Courses:

[First Major]: [Course 1, Course 2]

[Second Major]: [Course 1, Course 2]


[Honors or Awards related to each major]

[Special projects or academic achievements]

How to List Multiple Degrees from the Same School on Resume

When listing multiple degrees from the same school on your resume, start with the latest degree you got. Write down the name of the school, the degree you earned, what you studied, and when you graduated. Then, do the same for the earlier degree, using the same format. Make it clear so bosses can see how your education progressed.

Arrange your education section neatly. Begin with the most recent degree and move backwards. Clearly say the degrees, what you studied, and any honours or unique things you did for each. Keep it the same for each degree so bosses can quickly understand how you studied at that school. This way, your educational journey at the same place looks organized and easy to follow on your resume.

How to Write Double Degree after Your Name

When including double degrees after your name, you can use the appropriate abbreviations for each degree. For example:

[Your Name], BA, BSc

This indicates that you have earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science. Make sure to use the correct abbreviations for your specific degrees. It is important to note that not all professions or situations require including degree abbreviations after your name, so consider the conventions of your field. Always check if it aligns with the norms in your industry or context.

How to Write Double Major and Minor On a Resume


University Name

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology

Minor in Marketing

Graduated: [Month, Year]

Relevant Courses:

Psychology: [Course 1, Course 2]

Sociology: [Course 1, Course 2]

Marketing: [Course 1, Course 2]


Dean’s List for Psychology and Sociology

Award from Marketing Association, Year

Customize this structure by replacing the majors, minors, courses, and any awards or honours with your details. This layout helps showcase your educational achievements, emphasizing your double major and resume trimming.

Mention Your Double Major in Your Summary

I am a graduate with degrees in Psychology and Biology. I am skilled in analyzing data, conducting research, and using my knowledge from both fields to solve problems. I am good at working with others and bringing together ideas from psychology and biology to find new solutions.

How to List a Double Major on Your Linkedin Profile

  1. Go to the “Education” section on your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Click on “Add education” if it is not listed already.
  3. Enter your university details and choose the degree type (like Bachelor’s).
  4. Under “Degree,” mention both your majors using a comma or a slash to separate them.
  5. Add the graduation date and any honours or achievements if you like.

For instance:

School: [University Name]

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology / Bachelor of Science in Biology

Dates: [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

Customize this with your actual majors, university, and dates attended. This way, your LinkedIn profile highlights your academic achievements and expertise in multiple fields.

Does a Double Major Look Good on a Resume

Having a double major can make your resume stand out positively. It shows you have studied and gained expertise in two areas, which can be a significant advantage. Here’s why:

  1. Versatility: It demonstrates your ability to handle and succeed in various subjects, showing adaptability and a broad knowledge base.
  2. Unique Skills: You bring a mix of skills from different fields, offering a more comprehensive range of expertise than candidates with a single major.
  3. Problem-Solving: The diverse knowledge gained can aid creative problem-solving and innovative thinking.
  4. Relevance to Job: If your majors relate to the job you are applying for, it signifies a deeper understanding and proficiency in that field.
  5. Commitment: Completing a double major requires dedication, illustrating your ability to manage multiple responsibilities and stay committed to goals.

A double major can significantly boost your resume, making you an appealing candidate to employers seeking individuals with a diverse skill set and a solid academic background.

Focus On the Major That Relates To the Job

When presenting a double major on your resume, give more attention to the significance relevant to the job you are applying for. Here is how:

  1. Highlight Relevance: Emphasize the major that directly connects to the job’s requirements.
  2. Match Skills: Showcase skills and knowledge from that central which are most valuable for the job.
  3. Showcase Courses and Achievements: Highlight courses, projects, or awards from the related major that demonstrate your expertise.
  4. Prominent Position: Place the related major in the education section or summary to draw attention to its relevance to the job.

By focusing more on the major that aligns with the job, you highlight your qualifications and show how your education suits the position you are applying for.

Frequently Asked Question

How do you label a double major on a resume?

List a double major on a resume by putting both majors under education, mentioning the degrees earned.

How do you put double degree on a CV?

Include a double degree on a CV by adding both degrees in the education section, noting majors and graduation dates.

How do you indicate a double major?

Show a double major on a resume by clearly stating both majors under education, keeping it straightforward.

How do you reference a double major?

Reference a double major on a resume by listing both majors in education, using a clear and easy-to-read format.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, “How To List A Double Major On A Resume?” Showcasing a double major offers a distinct advantage in the professional landscape. Structuring both majors meticulously under the education section creates a visual narrative that speaks volumes about your academic versatility and commitment. This titled organization draws attention and prompts employers to delve deeper into your skill set, emphasizing your adaptability and expertise across diverse disciplines.

As you tailor your resume, considering the relevance of each major to the targeted job amplifies the impact of your double major. Strategically positioning the majors within the resume encourages employers to explore your academic journey further. The intentional placement of your dual expertise within the resume’s architecture serves as an open invitation for employers to navigate through your academic accomplishments. The titled presentation, guiding them through your intellectual diversity, creates an opportunity to showcase your skills and proficiency across multiple fields.

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